Computer Science, asked by darkkhnight1100, 5 months ago

Create a MatLab program to find the root of the following equation using the Newton-Raphson method. Choose the
initial guess as
 {x}^{0} = 10
. Choose the error tolerance as tol=1e-6. In other words, the
iterations should be stopped when the error
 | {x}^{i} - {x}^{i - 1} | \leqslant tol
 {x}^{2.5} - 23 {x}^{1.5} - 50x + 1150 = 0
i. Please report the value of x after 2 iterations
ii. Please report the converged solution, where error is less than 1e-6.
iii. Please report the number of iterations required to reach this converged solution.​


Answered by Anonymous


the process by which green plants turn carbon dioxide and water into food using energy from sunlight

सूर्य के प्रकाश से हरे पौधों द्वारा कार्बन डाइ-ऑक्‍साइड और जल को भोजन का रूप देने की प्रक्रिया; प्रकाश-संश्‍लेषण; फ़ोटोसिंथीसिस

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