Create a monthly budget for yourself using the steps discussed in the unit. If you don’t wish to discuss your financial situation, you can create a budget based on an average individual your age.
If you want to control your spending and work toward your financial goals, you need a budget.
A personal or household budget is a summary that compares and tracks your income and expenses for a defined period, typically one month.1 While the word "budget" is often associated with restricted spending, a budget does not have to be restrictive to be effective.
First I would list my income, then list my expenses and compare my income and expenses to see what it is I need to change and what to improve on. If there are any necessary changes, I could list those too and work on them and keep myself accountable and updated on how I’m doing and if I'm getting close to my budgeting goal. I don't work right now so I don't have an income but in the future I will.