Create a myString class. 1. An overloaded method for subtracting two myString objects. All the characters common to first and second string object should be subtracted from first string. Result: reduced first string. Result should be stored in a third object which shall be returned. 2. An overloaded ‘>’ operator to check if first myString object is longer than the second. A bool value should be returned. In main program, create a menu allowing usage of the above methods.
// C++ Program to concatenate two string
// using unary operator overloading
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
// Class to implement operator overloading
// function for concatenating the strings
class AddString {
// Classes object of string
char s1[25], s2[25];
// Parametrized Constructor
AddString(char str1[], char str2[])
// Initialize the string to class object
strcpy(this->s1, str1);
strcpy(this->s2, str2);
// Overload Operator+ to concat the string
void operator+()
cout << "\nConcatenation: " << strcat(s1, s2);
// Driver Code
int main()
// Declaring two strings
char str1[] = "Geeks";
char str2[] = "ForGeeks";
// Declaring and initializing the class
// with above two strings
AddString a1(str1, str2);
// Call operator function
return 0;