Create a scratch program to dance a girl sprite with a proper background. the sprite costume should be changed after 2 seconds and play an instrument and change its beats when it reaches the edge it should turn back.
it's pretty simple
change the cat sprite to a girl sprite, and change the background to a proper background, like a stage.
to change the cat to a girl:
select the cat on the bottom right
click the costumes tab in the top left corner
click add sprite (should be on the bottom)
select a girl
go back to the coding
to change the background:
click stage on the bottom right
click backdrops on the top left
draw a stage or select a stage by clicking add backdrop
select your pick
coding: (making the costume change, playing a instrument and beats)
go to events on the left side and drag a when flag clicked block
then drag a forever block from the control side
then drag a wait block from the control side
then drag a switch costume from the looks side
put the wait block and the switch costume block inside the forever block.
change the wait block from "wait 1 seconds" to "wait 2 seconds"
attach the forever block to the flag clicked block
go to sounds side and drag a play sound meow
change the meow sound by going to sounds tab in top left
pick your sound
to make the girl dance use the move blocks in the motion tab
to make her turn put a set rotation style left right under the when flag clicked
to face her right put a point in direction 90 and to face her left put a point in direction -90
that which is the best of luck for the form and the same to you and your family and friends and family members of