Computer Science, asked by divya8182, 1 year ago

create a table employee with 4 attributes (ID,name,department,salary)and apply primary key on ID column and insert minimum 3 tuples in this table?


Answered by shoaibahmad131

Create table employee


ID int,

Name varchar(10),

Department varchar(10),

Salary int,

Primary Key (ID)


Insert into employee (ID, Name, Department, Salary) values(‘1’, ‘abc’, ‘computer’, ‘20000’);

Insert into employee (ID, Name, Department, Salary) values(‘2’, ‘def’, ‘english’, ‘20000’);

Insert into employee (ID, Name, Department, Salary) values(‘3’, ‘ghi’, ‘math’, ‘20000’);

Insert into employee (ID, Name, Department, Salary) values(‘4’, ‘jkl’, ‘chemistry’, ‘20000’);

bhabenchoudhury1965: Majaaaa
bhabenchoudhury1965: Parisa
bhabenchoudhury1965: How to calculate the varchar brother..........
Answered by Sidyandex

ID Name Department Salary

Ert345 Salman Sales department 20000

Rty567 John Support department 30000

Muy533 Ronny HR department 40000

Here I have added the primary key on the ID column for each employee and created their records.

Four attributes are ID, Name, Salary and the Department.

First I have added the attributes and listed the employee name based on the amount of salary they get in the ascending order.

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