Create a webpage with the title "Inspirational Quotes for you” and Set
the background colour of the webpage to light blue.
Write the main (big) heading “Flowers Beauty” and align the heading
to the centre of the web page.
Insert an Image named as "flowers.jpg" of width=100px and
height=100px which should be left aligned. Mention image description
as "Sunflower Image"
Insert a frame named as “flowers.html" width and height 400px.
Answered by
Im doing, till how much i know
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Inspirational Quotes for you</title>
<h1 style="text-align:center;">Flowers Beauty</h1>
<img scr="flowers.jpg" width="100px" height="100px" title="Sunflower Image" align = "left">
Idk about the background and what kinda frame ur talkin' about
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