create an excel sheet to calculate the total and percentage of the students of a certain class. also find out the maximum and minimum marks scored in each subject.
(1)Format the spreadsheet and design it as shown here.
(2)fill up the data in the "Roll No."column with the help of auto fill.
(3) calculate the "total" by adding up the marks in each subject.
(4) calculate percentage by dividing total with maximum marks and multiplying the result with 100.(Use Absolute referencing to include the cell reference of Maximum Marks")
(5) find the maximum and minimum marks scored in each subject by using Max and min function respectively.
(6)Insert one more column in the above sheet,between"surname"and "English"and name it "Full name".Fill this column by joining "first name"and "surname"entries.(Use"&"operater)
Did you mean: create an excel sheet to calculate the total and percentage of the students of a certain class. also find out the maximum and minimum marks scored in each subject. (1)Format the spreadsheet and design it as shown here. (2)fill up the data in the "Roll No."column with the help of auto fill. (3) calculate the "total" by adding up the marks in each subject. (4) calculate percentage by dividing total with maximum marks and multiplying the result with 100.(Use Absolute referencing to include the cell reference of Maximum Marks") (5) find the maximum and minimum marks scored in each subject by using Max and min function respectively. (6)Insert one more column in the above sheet,between"surname"and "English"and name it "Full name".Fill this column by joining "first name"and "surname"entries.(Use"&"operator)