English, asked by taguturilakshmi, 10 days ago

create an interesting story with the title "a journey to a forest"?
Going to the forest was not my idea. It was my brother's idea. So one day we decided to visit the nearby forest. create an interesting story​


Answered by ab4070711


Somehow, I couldn’t help myself. I had to follow the path into the unknown…

Hesitently, I crept through the deserted forest. I thought I could feel people behind me, but when I looked back, not a soul was there. As the path reached deeper into the mysterious woods, my torch flickered and eventually turned off. Everything went dark, but I stumbled on, feeling my way around, finding new paths that would hopefully lead me out, in my desperate attempt to escape this nightmare that I feared would never end.

As I continued my journey, the trees started to shiver and the birds cried out in fear as they fled from their nests. The smell of burning wood flew through the air, spreading it’s contagious disease. Twigs and dead leaves made a deafening crunch underneath my feet as my never-ending journey carried on.

When I turned the next corner, the trees stopped shaking and everything went deadly silent. I was scared if I took one tiny step that I would wake up the whole world. I didn’t move but as the trees started to cast towering shadows over me I started chattering in fear. I was desperate to move but I didn’t dare disturb the peace that the forest had created.

My mind turned to what might be waiting for me. I feared that the journey would never end and I’ll be walking forever but I hoped that the path would lead me home, to where my parents would be waiting for me and where I could just go to sleep and try to forget about the forest, even though it would haunt my dreams forever…Megan (Y6)

Without a second thought, I started to walk down the old, endless, grey path, scattered with leaves and long twigs. Every step I took lead to a deafining ‘CRUNCH’…

The further I went in to the forest the more frightened I got. The tall trees, which were masked by shadows, towered over me, almost like they were watching every step I took. All was silent. No bird chirp, no howl of the wind. I started to smell a type of flower, the smell was so strong that I started to get a headache.

The darkness of the forest was thickening. With no light in sight I tried to get out of the endless maze. Following the path, I ran the back of my hand across all the trees. They felt weird, like coral from under the sea, the moss cold and wet, the bark sharp and bumpy.

My mind turned to where the path would take me. I thought of animals roaming free. Colourful birds of all colours flying through the air. I thought of my house and all my family waiting for me with lots of treats for my arrival. Then I started to think about something worse. What if the old, endless path never ends and I’m stuck in the forest forever… Chloe (Y6)

As dark, ghostly shadows cast over the deserted, dead forest I crept slowly towards the bright shine from the otherwise dim sky. Midnight had come. No stars could be seen. In the distance wolves howled loudly at the moon that was flying high in the sky.

Asking myself why I hadn’t defied the temptation of going into the forest, I went on with the little hope left in my heart that I would escape this horror. The only noise that could be heard was the occasional twig snapping beneath my shaking feet and the sudden hoot of an owl calling to her young. This was all enough to make my fear rise even more.

I felt scared. Petrified. As my journey continued, trees wound around, watching me as I walked. By the minute the forest got darker. And I felt lonelier. But I wasn’t alone. I was in a nightmare. And there was no waking up.

I dreaded to think about what could be waiting at the end. But then again I couldn’t help it. I was hoping it would be the escape. But my mind seemed to think it would be something bad. Torture maybe. Anything. But it could be a land of exotic birds and rainbows and flowers. It sounded nice, but all I wanted was to be at home. Cared for. Warm and safe. Amelie (Y6)

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