Create database for school library.
Hint; create fields for book title, cost ,provider, availability ,etc..
SQL Command (select, update, insert, delete)
Creating table “Book_Details”:
Inserting Some Data in “Book_Details”
Creating table “Binding_Details”:
Creating Relationship Between Book and Binding Table:
Creating Category Table:
Building Relationship between Book & Category Table:
Creating Borrower Table:
Building Relation Between Book & Borrower Table
Creating Staff Table
Building Relationship between student and Borrower table:
Checking Full Relationship
Adding Shelf Table
Adding Relationship Between Shelf and Book Table
Combined All Relationship
Library Management System
The Database Library System is intended to Automate the library activities such as creating a new borrower, giving books to the borrowers, maintaining the details of all the item that were available in the books . This also helps the librarians by providing information such as total copies available each book, list of books that belong to a particular category (Short, Long Loan, Reference items, etc).
This is the master table for all the books that are available in the Library. This table contains the complete list of books that are available in the library. Each Book id provided with a unique ISBN which serves as a primary key. The book details include the ISBN, Book Title, the year in which that particular book was published, the type of binding either soft cover or hard cover and the category.
ISBN: This is unique ID given to every book .Since there may be a large no. of books with same TITLE, this ISBN no. will help us to distinguish between books of same title.
Book_Title: Provides the name of the book.
Publication_year: Contains the year of publication in ‘YY’ format (eg:2009à09)
Language: Contains the language in which this book was published.
This column contains the Category ID whose details can be fetched form the category_master table. The category ID is a Unique number given to each category.
Binding _Id
This column contains the Binding ID whose details can be fetched form the Binding_Detailstable.The Binding ID is a Unique number given to each type Binding.
No_Of_Copies_Actual: This column contains the total no. of copies of each book that were initially present.
No_Of_Copies_Current: This column contains the total no. of copies of each book that were currently available .
This table is the Master table for the binding types.This includes the binding ID and Binding Name. The Binding ID serves as a primary key.