create student detabase and save the date base
To Create a database
Follow the given instructions:
Create a blank database
On the File tab, click New, and then click Blank Database.
Type a file name in the File Name box. ...
Click Create. ...
Begin typing to add data, or you can paste data from another source, as described in the section Copy data from another source into an Access table.
To reuse a database or a database object, you use the Save As dialog:
Open the database or database object.
On the File tab, click Save As.
Do one of the following steps: To save a database in a different format, click Save Database As. ...
Click the format you want to use for the new copy.
>>create database student
name char(10),
roll_no integer(3)[primary key],
class integer(3),
DOB date
database will run and will save automatically in MYSQL.