Create three class names VEHICLE, TWO WHEELER, SCOOTER as shown
below and create the data members and member function. Create a base class
“vehicle” and declare the variable reg_no as string and model as integer. Create a
function read()inside the class to read data for the variables. Create a derived
irst error is sourced here:
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class Vehicle {
Vehicle myVehicle[9];
// ...
You can't use a class instance as a member of it's own class.
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error:field 'myVehicle' has incomplete type vehicle [9]
note: definition of 'class vehicle' is not complete until closing brace
The class is not defined at that point so that the compiler does not know how to handle it.
The second error is sourced by the code block
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Vehicle& getVehicle(int n) {
return myVehicle[n];
in your valid_mileage() function. It looks like it has been copied and pasted to the wrong location.
Note also that :: is the scope resolution operator for name spaces and to access static members of a class. To access non static members of a class when the member name is also used as parameter, use the this pointer -[^]:
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void Vehicle::setMake(string make) {
this->make = make;