crictically examine the attributional approach to the of caste
The caste system is generally based on a hierarchy in India. The hierarchy is created on verifying the birth, traditions and customs followed by the people in the society. The attributional approach describes the qualities of the caste system.
an endogamous and hereditary social group limited to persons of the same rank, occupation, economic position, etc., and having mores distinguishing it from other such groups.
any rigid system of social distinctions.
Hinduism. any of the social divisions into which Hindu society is traditionally divided, each caste having its own privileges and limitations, transferred by inheritance from one generation to the next; jati.Compare class(def 13).
any class or group of society sharing common cultural features:
low caste; high caste.
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social position conferred upon one by a caste system:
to lose caste.
Entomology. one of the distinct forms among polymorphous social insects, performing a specialized function in the colony, as a queen, worker or soldier.
of, relating to, or characterized by caste:
a caste society; a caste system; a caste structure.
Origin of caste
1545–55; < Portuguese casta race, breed, noun use of casta, feminine of casto < Latin castus pure, chaste
Related forms
caste·ism, noun
caste·less, adjective
an·ti·caste, adjective
in·ter·caste, adjective
sub·caste, noun
Can be confused
cast caste class Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018
Related Words for caste
stratum, status, standing, degree, estate, grade, station, rank, order, sphere, race, lineage, position, species
Examples from the Web for caste
Contemporary Examples of caste
After all, caste is the most resistant feature of our politics, so why not just make it the basis for states formation?
India’s Newest State Telangana Is Bosnia Redux
Kranti Rai
March 22, 2014
If races are our castes, then this makes sense, since—in a caste system—your status is mostly a function of your position.
Are Black Names ‘Weird,’ or Are You Just Racist?
Jamelle Bouie
September 13, 2013
When one caste gains too much power, it brings its own brand of disaster.
This Week’s Hot Reads: April 15, 2013
Nicholas Mancusi
April 15, 2013
“You may belong to any religion or caste or creed – that has nothing to do with the business of the State,” he declared.
Why Pakistan's Mohammed Ali Jinnah Was No Nelson Mandela
Kapil Komireddi
April 7, 2013
We deeply feel the heart-touching good wishes of the people across the world of all caste, color, and creed.
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