critical analysis of story from the diary of Anne Frank class 10th in about 400 to 500 words.
its your answer
Anne Frank: The Diary Of A Young Girl is the real diary of a teenage girl that begins on Anne’s 13th birthday (12 June 1942) when she gets a diary. It tells the story of her family who live in Frankfurt, Germany and suddenly have to go into hiding as a result of Hitler and the Nazi Party’s treatment of Jews in Europe during the second world war. They escape to Amsterdam where they go into hiding with other Jews. The diary ends suddenly on 1 August 1944.
There are many important messages in this book, but the most important message is that all people have the right to live in freedom. Anne’s story shows us that just because people may be a different religion or race, doesn’t mean that they should be treated differently. The terrible treatment of Jewish people during the war has shown this. Her diary shows us things that people don’t think about now, for example how every day the people in hiding worried about maybe being found and punished.
I liked that Anne was a really happy and cheerful person even though she and her family were in an awful situation. Anne enjoyed writing and describing others. She was talkative and inquisitive and could be selfish. She was a typical teenage girl and she didn’t always understand how difficult life was for her mother and the other adults around her. She commented on the people who shared their hiding space. Sometimes this wasn’t very nice, but it shows how everybody’s life was challenging because they had to be quiet and not bring attention to themselves.
I would recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in reading historical, war or mystery books as it is so interesting. This book would be suitable for people aged ten upwards since it is very sad in places.
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