English, asked by anithparon, 11 months ago

critical appreciation of the poem the pulley


Answered by 00AryanSuryawanshi00


The title of the poem is ‘The Pulley’. The poem is written by Welsh poet George Herbert who was a priest by profession.

Each stanza of the poem has five lines. The rhyme scheme of the poem is a-b-a-b-a. The chief figure of speech used in the poem is Metaphor. The ‘glass of blessings’ signifies the sum of all human qualities bestowed on man. The quality of ‘rest or ‘contentment is implicitly compared to a jewel’. The other figures of speech are Pun, Inversion, Paradox, etc.

The central idea of the poem is the reason for man’s continual restlessness all his life. According to the poet, this is because God withheld the quality of ‘rest’ from man, so that man’s thoughts would ultimately turn towards God, his creator.


Answered by surajnegi0600


"The Pulley" is a poem written by George Herbert, an English poet, and priest of the Church of England. The poem is a meditation on the nature of God and the human relationship with God. The poem uses the metaphor of a pulley to explore the idea of God providing for human needs and the human responsibility to trust in God's provision.


The poem begins with the speaker describing the pulley as something that "when God at first made man,/Having a glass of blessings standing by;/Let us (said he) pour on him all we can:/Let the world's riches, which dispersèd lie,/Contract into a span." This metaphor is used to express the idea that God provides for all human needs and that everything that humans need is within reach.

The second stanza of the poem explores the idea of human responsibility and trust in God's provision. The speaker states that "man is the helper of his joy;/But God is the strength of man's desire." The speaker is saying that while humans can take actions to find joy, it is ultimately God who gives us the strength to desire and pursue that joy.

The third stanza of the poem explores the idea of how people can be deceived by the things of the world and how God's provision is the only true provision. The speaker states that "We are but stewards; all we have is lent,/Which to use aright, is noblest end." This line is emphasizing that all that we have is given to us by God and that using it in the right way is the most noble thing we can do.

In summary, "The Pulley" is a poem that uses the metaphor of a pulley to explore the idea of God's provision and the human responsibility to trust in that provision. The poem explores themes of God's provision, human responsibility, and the importance of using the blessings that God has given us in the right way.

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