English, asked by shivani20765, 10 months ago

critically comment on the society portrayed sudraka's mrichchakatika​


Answered by Raunak1432


mrichchhakatika' or 'The little clay art' is an ancient Sanskritplay ritten !y king Sudraka"#jjayini$ in %rd century &.D.Mrichchhakatika is one of the most famous prakaranas i.e. aplay hose plot is partly derived from history and partlyderived from author's fancy of the ancient ndia. Sudrakahad chosen a social theme i.e. love of (harudatta and)asantasena as the plot for his play* Mrichchhakatika. Thehero* (harudatta* a middle class man* is a +rahmana youthand )asantasena* the heroine is an e,-uisitely !eautiful !utpureminded Ganika/courtesan of the same city. The playconsist themes of various genres such as romance andcomedy hile it also deals ith an underplot ith politicalovertones.

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