Sociology, asked by chilufyalazarous01, 4 months ago

Critically evaluated how societal ills and human relationship created by the industrial revolution in Europe facilitated the emergence of sociology as a discipline essays


Answered by sabbiralam45567

Sociology is one of the newer of the academic disciplines, tracing its origins no further back than the middle of the nineteenth century. It has a short history. Sociology, the science of society, is the youngest and it came to be established only in the nineteenth century. The French philosopher, August Comte gave sociology and a programme for its development. For thousands of years, society has been a subject for speculation and enquiry. Yet sociology is a modern science which originated only within last hundred fifty years or so

The study of society, however, can be traced to the Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle. The philosophical basis of Plat o and Aristotle characterised the observations of man for a very long period of time. The literature concerning society and its problems found place in the Republic of Plato (427-347 B.C.) and in the Politic and Ethics of Aristotle (388-327 B.C.).

Plato was the first Western philosopher who attempted a systematic study of society. In the Ethics and Politics of Aristotle we find the first major attempts of systematic dealing of law, the society and State. In his book Cicero, the Roman thinker, brought the great Greek ideas in philosophy, politics and law in the West.

In the sixteenth century, a precise distinction was made between State and society. Thomas Hobbes and Machiavelli were the outstanding contributors of the realistic approach to social problems. Hobbes in his Levithan and Machiavelli in his Prince analyses the system of statecraft and also put forward conditions for success of State.

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