CROP PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT 1.Why storage of food is done? 2.Write any two sources of irrigation? 3. What are the two common forms by which we add nutrients in soil? 4.What do you mean by seed drill? 5. What is sowing? 6. Why we use tractor driven cultivator for ploughing now a days? 7.Name the vitamin found in cod liver oil: (A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B 8.How are disease transmitted in plants? 9.Name two common examples of agricultural crops. 10. What is agriculture? 11. What is crop? 12. The plants of same kind grown at a place is referred to as (A) garden (C) Vitamin C (D) 13.Fertilisers are used to improve crop yield because they (A) are rich in inorganic nutrients (C) are rich in organic and inorganic nutrients. (B) are rich in organic nutrients. (D) all of the above 14. Continuous growing of crops make the soil poorer and less-fertile, we can replenish soil by following method (A) using manure (B) using fertilizers (C) by crop-rotation 15. Removal of weeds is necessary for plant growth because (A) weeds compete with crop for nutrition (C) weeds may be poisonous (B) weeds interfere in harvesting (D) all of the above

1) Food Storage is done in our body to meet future energy requirements.
2)The main sources for irrigation water are groundwater from wells, surface water, drainage ponds, rain and municipal water.
3)The two common ways through which we add nutrients in the soil are fertilizers and manures. They provide sufficient nutrients to the soil.
4)The seed drill sows the seeds at the proper seeding rate and depth, ensuring that the seeds are covered by soil.
5)Sowing is the process of planting. An area or object that has had seeds planted in it will be described as a sowed area.
6)Ploughing causes ventilation of soil and makes it suitable for the growth of small organisms living in it. . ▸ Cultivator: Nowadays ploughing is done by a tractor driven cultivator. The use of cultivator saves labour and time
7) a)fish oils.
b)Atlantic cod.
c)No interactions were found between Cod Liver Oil and Vitamin C.
d) vitamin D content is what distinguishes it from other fish oils.
8)All viruses that spread within their host tissues (systemically) can be transmitted by grafting branches or buds from diseased plants on healthy plants. Natural grafting and transmission are possible by root grafts and with parasitic dodder (Cuscuta species). Vegetative propagation often spreads plant viruses.
9)Maize, oat, rice are some common examples of agricultural crop. Some other common examples are wheat, chickpea, pearl millet, etc.
10) Agriculture describes the practice of growing crops or raising animals. Someone who works as a farmer is in the agriculture industry. The Latin root of agriculture is agri, or "field," plus cultura, "cultivation." Cultivating a piece of land, or planting and growing food plants on it, is largely what agriculture means.
11)A crop is a plant or animal product that can be grown and harvested extensively for profit or subsistence. Crops may refer either to the harvested parts or to the harvest in a more refined state. Most crops are cultivated in agriculture or aquaculture. A crop may include macroscopic fungus, or alga.