English, asked by dindacitato8265, 1 year ago

Cross cultural comparison and cross cultural diversity


Answered by krish5102004



They exist in every aspect of our lives.

A culture clash of some sort occurs as soon as two people get together, since no two people, even family members, have the same internal world or the same view of the external world.

In the broadest sense, you 'cross' cultures with every person you come into contact with, whether they are the 'same' as you nor not.

Most of the time, people accommodate, sublimate or ignore these different 'cultures', because of common ground, shared goals and like interests.

When people concentrate on similarities, the differences are less noticeable, or at any rate, less important.

Once we get a certain amount of common ground, we can 'get along'.

Cross-Cultural Differences

Difficulties usually arise when the differences appear to be all there is.

When you experience or imagine the differences as stumbling blocks.

Indeed, differences appear like rocks at low tide!

Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures, as opposed to monoculture, the global monoculture, or a homogenization of cultures, akin to cultural decay. The phrase cultural diversity can also refer to having different cultures respect each other's differences. The phrase "cultural diversity" is also sometimes used to mean the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region, or in the world as a whole. Globalization is often said to have a negative effect on the world's cultural diversity.

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