Cross cultural differences between india and other countries
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The social hierarchy cannot be challenged. (ex: Boss has final decision)
Other countries :
Hierarchy can be challenged at any point by anyone
Indian culture is one of the oldest cultures in the world. The traditions are several millennia old
Though according to historical records ,western culture began with Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, it is considered as a modern culture to many people
Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism
Christianity, Judaism
Indian food is heavily spiced and is rich in flavor. Major emphasis is put on having lunch
Basis of food is meat; it is an essential part of every meal. More emphasis is placed on have dinner
Traditional people usually prefer joint-families, while modern people are now living in nuclear-like families
Most people believe in nuclear families
Holi, Diwali, Navratri, etc. There a whole lot of festivals that are based on different events in the history; modern festivals are being accepted such as Christmas
Christmas, Labor Day, Easter, Halloween etc. Also due to it being a melting pot a whole of other festivals are also celebrated
Arranged Marriages are more common, compared to love marriages
Love marriages are more common
Society plays an active part in a person’s life. Every decision that a person takes , reflects what the society thinks about it
Society does not take an active part. People take decisions depending on what they want, not what the society thinks
Gender Equality
Women are still considered unequal to men though acceptance of westernization is changing this idea
Women are equal to men in society
Still have various castes, where one caste is lesser than the other caste
No such thing as castes, all people are equal
Clothing should not be revealing or tight
A person can wear clothing according to what they desire
Religious, classical, folk, popular, bollywood and pop music
Is a melting pot and mix of all kinds of music from all over the world; includes rap, hip hop, pop, metal, rock, soft rock, alternate, etc
The social hierarchy cannot be challenged. (ex: Boss has final decision)
Other countries :
Hierarchy can be challenged at any point by anyone
Indian culture is one of the oldest cultures in the world. The traditions are several millennia old
Though according to historical records ,western culture began with Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, it is considered as a modern culture to many people
Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism
Christianity, Judaism
Indian food is heavily spiced and is rich in flavor. Major emphasis is put on having lunch
Basis of food is meat; it is an essential part of every meal. More emphasis is placed on have dinner
Traditional people usually prefer joint-families, while modern people are now living in nuclear-like families
Most people believe in nuclear families
Holi, Diwali, Navratri, etc. There a whole lot of festivals that are based on different events in the history; modern festivals are being accepted such as Christmas
Christmas, Labor Day, Easter, Halloween etc. Also due to it being a melting pot a whole of other festivals are also celebrated
Arranged Marriages are more common, compared to love marriages
Love marriages are more common
Society plays an active part in a person’s life. Every decision that a person takes , reflects what the society thinks about it
Society does not take an active part. People take decisions depending on what they want, not what the society thinks
Gender Equality
Women are still considered unequal to men though acceptance of westernization is changing this idea
Women are equal to men in society
Still have various castes, where one caste is lesser than the other caste
No such thing as castes, all people are equal
Clothing should not be revealing or tight
A person can wear clothing according to what they desire
Religious, classical, folk, popular, bollywood and pop music
Is a melting pot and mix of all kinds of music from all over the world; includes rap, hip hop, pop, metal, rock, soft rock, alternate, etc
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