English, asked by sindhusharavuri, 1 year ago

cruelty to animals has a significant and irreversible impact on human health, economy,and environment explain this pls urgent


Answered by smellycat007
There are many reasons why children grow up to be violent adults but could animal abuse as a child be a sign? It is shown through longitudinal studies that physical aggression by elementary school boys increases the likelihood that they will act in physical manner of violence during adolescence. This means that if a child is involved in animal abuse they are more likely to commit physical crimes when they get older rather than a person who did not participate in animal abuse as a child.  Suzanne Goodney Lea, a sociologist, agrees with that children who abuse animals will later become violent adults. However, a study she performed on 570 young people proved that the statement was false, “children who got in fights, lied habitually, or set fires did tend to become violent adults” (Herzog pg 33). There was no proof that said that there is correlation between child animal abuse and becoming a violent adult. There has been other studies performed that also proved there is no link between animal cruelty and becoming a violent adult. A study done by Emily Patterson-Kane and Heather Piper showed that males who were violent were less apt to have abused animals as compared to the men who were non-violent. While there is evidence and people that agree that children who abuse animals grow up to be violent, there are also people that disagree with that statement.
Answered by rahulragini
Cruelty towards animals is an inborn quality in many of us. When children of an impressionable age see their parents beating up or throwing stones at animals, they learn to do the same in their later years. 
Human beings are dependant on animals for their daily lives, be it the stray dogs in the locality who raise an alarm by barking at unknown visitors or the alley cats who rid the surroundings of rat and mice.
The domestic animals as well as the ones in the neighbourhood contribute in a very significant way to our health, economy and environment. While the cow and buffalo gives us milk if we rear them, they are a source of livelihood for the milkmen. Good health is one significant positive outcome of consuming milk and milk products on a regular basis. The stray dogs and other scavengers like crows and vultures clean up our environment with unfailing regularity.
In view of the above, we must learn to be kind to all birds and animals, who support our lives in one way or another.
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