¿cuales crees que sean los elementos de un analisis literario?
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autocratic forms of government, where one person rules over the state in his or her own interest. However, such an understanding belies an oversimplification that masks civic republicanism’s complexity and rich heritage. As an approach to governance, the principal ideals of civic republicanism can be traced back to the ancient works of Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch, and Cicero, among others; its more modern adherents include Niccolò Machiavelli, Montesquieu, James Harrington, and James Madison.
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El texto puede estar escrito a renglón seguido, con ritmo sintáctico: prosa; o bien siguiendo un marco de ritmo (acentuación), rima (concordancia entre los sonidos finales de cada verso) y metro (número de silabas, incluyendo sinalefas): verso.
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