Social Sciences, asked by abhiragini09072006, 1 year ago

current population of India in 150 words in 2019​


Answered by imraushanraaz


The current population of India is 1,378,492,893 as of Friday, May 22, 2019, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data.

India 2020 population is estimated at 1,380,004,385 people at mid year according to UN data.

India population is equivalent to 17.7% of the total world population.

India ranks number 2 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.

The population density in India is 464 per Km2 (1,202 people per mi2).

The total land area is 2,973,190 Km2 (1,147,955 sq. miles)

35.0 % of the population is urban (483,098,640 people in 2020)

The median age in India is 28.4 years.

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