Accountancy, asked by sona250195, 11 months ago

Current ratio 2.5
Liquidity ratio 1.5
Net working capital ` 3,00,000
Fixed assets turnover ratio (on cost of sales) 2 times
Average debt collection period 2 months
Stock turnover ratio (cost of sales/closing stock) 6 times
Gross profit ratio 20%
Fixed assets/shareholders net worth 0.80
Reserve and surplus/capital 0.50
Draw up the balance sheet of the company XYZ Ltd.


Answered by mangeshpai11pdswy1
ignore the handwriting
Answered by Chaitanya1696

 We are required to draw up the Balance Sheet of XYZ Ltd. Given under is the balance sheet of the company:

                                 BALANCE SHEET OF XYZ LIMITED

LIABILITIES                                                          ASSETS

Share Capital                    5,00,000        Fixed Asset     6,00,000

Reserves & Surplus          2,50,000         Stock              2,00,000

Long-term borrowings      1,50,000        Debtors           2,50,000

Current Liabilities              2,00,000        Bank                  50,000

                                      -------------------                            -----------------

                                         11,00,000                                  11,00,000          

                                       --------------------                             -----------------

Working  Notes

  • Let us assume Current Liabilities as 1.
  • Current Assets are 2.5.
  • Therefore the working capital will be 1.5 (Difference).
  • Given that Working Capital is 3,00,000.
  • Current Assets will be 3,00,000 × \frac{2.5}{1.5} = 5,00,000
  • Current Liabilities is 5,00,000 - 3,00,000 = 2,00,000.
  • Liquidity Ratio is 1.5.
  • Liquid Assets = 2,00,000 × 1.5 = 3,00,000
  • Stock is Current Asset - Liquid Asset = 5,00,000 - 3,00,000                                                                                 = 2,00,000
  • Cost of Sales is 2,00,000 × 6 = 12,00,000
  • Sales = Cost of Sales + GP Ratio

                  = 12,00,000 + \frac{20}{100} × 12,00,000

  • Sales = 15,00,000
  • Fixed Asset = \frac{12,00,000}{2}  = 6,00,000
  • Debtors = \frac{15,00,000}{6} = 2,50,000
  • Networth is 6,00,000 × \frac{1}{0.8} = 7,50,000
  • Reserves and Surplus are \frac{1}3} of net worth = 2,50,000
  • Share Capital = 7,50,000 - 2,50,000 = 5,00,000


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