Currently cognizant follows a unique model in its business with clients
India is a major center for the offshore development of the company.
The company got huge businesses under the brand D & B during its initial years, but gradually succeeded in making its own brand value.
The company has developed six simultaneous key system integrators(Accenture, BearPoint, Capgemini, E & Y, Deloitte and IBM).
Thus cognizant follows a unique model in its business with clients.
The business model of Cognizant with its clients is unique because it follows a 'Two-in-a-Box' strategy.
It has Customer Relationships Manager for all its verticals that help in effectively looking into all its processes.
It also has India-based managers who specifically oversee the offshore delivery Services that are its major offerings.
There is also a 'Three-in-a-box' strategy that is followed sometimes.
In this plan, it adds a business consulting layer to the already established "two-in-a-box" model. '
It is further divided into many horizontal and verticals units.