cutting down trees on Hills increase the chance of landslides
Trees prevent floods, landslides
Trees contribute immensely in preserving soil. Far reaching roots hold soil in place and fight erosion, NULS-Cifor said, adding that trees absorb and store rainwater, which reduce runoff and sediment deposit after storms.
Landslides encompass a wide range of phenomena including slumps, rock falls, debris slides, and
earth-, debris- and mud-flows. Landslides may be shallow or deep-seated and are caused by
changes in slope stability resulting from undercutting, changes in water saturation or loss of woody
vegetation. Activities that increase erosion and slope instability in uplands include logging, road
and trail construction and forest conversion. In undisturbed forest catchments landsliding is usually source .
Landslide risk and the selection of stabilization measures depend on bedrock characteristics,
hillside hydrology, slope gradient, length and curvature, and soil depth and type. Vegetation cover
also plays an important role. Deep-rooted trees and shrubs can reduce the occurrence of shallow
rapidly moving landslides by strengthening soil layers and improving drainage.91,177 In shallow
soils, roots may penetrate the entire soil mantle, providing anchors into more stable layers while
dense lateral roots stabilize soil surface layers against landslides.173 Transpiration via extensive root
systems also reduces soil water content and landslide risk.177,45 Additionally, forests can play a role
in attenuating and blocking smaller debris flows and rock falls by forming a physical barrier.87
Deep landslides resulting from continuous heavy rainfall or earthquakes are less likely to be
affected by vegetation.91 Vegetation is also of little use on undeveloped and unstable soils which
support few trees, such as volcanic deposits which cover a significant area in Asia.
Landslide risk is greatly increased by slope disturbance especially where appropriate precautions
are lacking. Roads, which are often built in conjunction with agricultural or forestry activities,
contribute the largest landslide losses compared to other land uses – one to two orders of magnitude
higher than in undisturbed forests on steep land.177 Across much of rural Asia, upland roads are
often built without adequate attention to engineering standards and as such are a frequent cause of
With respect to vegetation removal, studies in temperate regions have shown that clearance of
forests on sloping land increases landslide risk by reducing rooting strength for up to two
decades.177 Landslides begin to increase when roots decay at around three years after forest
clearance and susceptibility remains high until around 15 years when regenerating roots mature.
Rates of root recovery are likely to be significantly lower outside tropical areas.
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