English, asked by AdhyayanDubey9376, 1 year ago

Cyber space is a boon or curse


Answered by bhagatg433


Cyber world is a glittering world that looks like a twinkling star from a distance. It has definitely given a sophisticated living to the human race. It has offered numerous benefits which the present generations enjoy in their day to day life, such as social networking, brand building, online banking, online shopping, e-books, e-library, news, music and video entertainment, education, android and mobile apps to name just a few. The World Wide Web sounds like a vast phenomenon but surprisingly, one of its qualities is bringing the world closer making it a smaller place to live in for its users.

However, it has also managed to create another problem for people who spend long hours browsing the Cyber World, namely Cyber crimes. While law enforcement agencies are trying to tackle this problem, it is growing steadily and many people have become victims of hacking, theft, identity theft and malicious softwares.

One of the best ways to avoid being a victim of cyber crimes and protect our sensitive information is by making use of inpenetrable security that uses a unified system of software and hardware to authenticate any information that is sent or accessed over the Internet. However, before we start a detailed discussion about this system, let us find out more about cyber crimes.

Answered by swetha9876


cyber space is boon.....

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