cyclohexene react with Br2 in presence of heat and UV light
The reaction of Bromine with cyclohexene in the presence of sunlight is a substitution reaction. The reaction will takes place at allylic carbon. The allylic hydrogen get substituted by the bromine atom. It will give 1,2- dibromocyclohexane as the product
•According to the question we have to determine the product which is formed from the reaction between cyclohexane and bromine (in the presence of UV light or ultra violet light) ,
and the product would be 3-bromocyclohexene, because when an alkene reacts with bromine in the presence of UV light ,free redical substitution reaction is happened. The bromine didn't react with alkene in sunlight ,so to obtain 3-bromocyclohexene ultra violet light in required, without ulta violet ray 3-bromocyclohexene cannot be obtained.