Cynodon (lawn grass) is commonly used in turf fields, Give reason
cynodon lawn grass is commonly used in turf fields because it is soft touch and it is very smooth and
ynodon dactylon (Distribution: Tropical and Subtropical Regions; Family: Poaceae, Common Names: Bermuda Grass)
Cynodon dactylon is a perennial grass that is commonly used as a laxative, expectorant, analgesic, etc. It is also used for the treatment of dropsy (Kesari et al., 2006), syphilis (Provin et al., 2008), and diabetes (Singh et al., 2008). Active principles in ethanolic extracts of C. dactylon, namely, Cynodin, beta-carotene, hydrocyanic acid, and triticin are powerful antioxidants (Auddy et al., 2003). Santhi et al. found that intraperitoneal administration of C. dactylon significantly increased the adhesion of neutrophils to nylon fibers: a model reflecting the process of margination of cells in blood vessels. In addition, the antibody responsiveness in mice to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) was significantly increased owing to heightened responsiveness of macrophages and antibody-synthesizing B-cells (Mungantiwar et al., 1999). Not only humoral but also cellular immunity was affected on administration of protein fraction of C. dactylon. DTH that correlates to cell-mediated immunity increased due to increased responsiveness of T-cells (Santhi and Annapoorani, 2010).
Mangathayaru et al. (2009) showed that oral administration of C. dactylon juice increased humoral antibody response against an antigen. C. dactylon inhibited the release of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1 and promoted anti-inflammatory IL-10 that in turn inhibits proinflammatory cytokines (Moore et al., 2001). Studies done in Catla catla show that ethanolic extracts of C. dactylon incorporated into the diet of the fish activated non-specific immune mechanism and afforded resistance against A. hydrophila infection (Kaleeswaran et al., 2011)