d.: 10 (First Term Exam) Sub : English (L.L.) (6) In towns and cities kites are flown from .... a In India, however, the tradition of kite - flying has not changed. Be it during the coming of Spring which is celebrated as Basant or during the festival of Makar Sankranti, people of all ages go out into the open to try their luck with their kites. In towns and cities, where open spaces are difficult to find, terraces and rooftops are often used for this traditional sport. In Gujarat, Makar Sankranti is kite - flying day. Traditionally celebrated on January 13 or 14, it is a holiday when people meet outdoors, 'to cut each other's kites. This day also coincides with the festival of Uttarayan, when the sun is said to begin its journey to the northern hemisphere. The people of Gujarat celebrate Uttarayan with a lot of enthusiasm and all business comes to a grinding halt for a couple of days. It is also a celebration to mark the end of winter. write a summry on the passege
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Kite-flying has a long history. There are many
Greek, Indian and other mythological stories which tell
us about human beings wanting to or trying to fly.
Over a period of time, this desire of humans and
their imagination probably led to the invention of kites
And it is likely that the box - kites, designed more than
a hundred years ago, later inspired others to create
power-driven aeroplanes.
In India, however, the tradition of kite-flying has
not changed. Be it during the coming of Spring which
is celebrated as Basant or during the festival of Makar
Sankranti, people of all ages go out into the open to try
their luck with their kites. In towns and cities, where
open spaces are difficult to find, terraces and rooftops
are often used for this traditional sport.
In Gujarat, Makar Sankranti is kite-flying day.
Traditionally celebrated on January 13 or 14, it is
a holiday when people meet outdoors, 'to cut' each
other's kites.
This day also coincides with the festival of
Uttarayan, when the sun is said to begin its journey
to the northern hemisphere. The people of Gujarat
celebrate Uttarayan with a lot of enthusiasm and all
business comes to a grinding halt for a couple of days.
It is also a celebration to mark the end of winter.
The kite-flying begins at
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kite flying festival is celebrated during