Physics, asked by ushamecwan, 5 months ago

વિભાગ -D
ચેના પ્રશ્નોના માગ્યા પ્રમાણે જવાબ આપો, (23 થી 25)
23) લઘુકોણ લઈ તેના દ્વિભાજકની રચના કરો. મુદ્દા લખો.


Answered by Anonymous

A large band gap means that a lot of energy is required to excite valence electrons to the conduction band. Conversely, when the valence band and conduction band overlap as they do in metals, electrons can readily jump between the two bands meaning the material is highly conductive.

Answered by Anonymous


Mostly petroleum is used as a source of energy, being rich in fuel carbon in electricity generation or running some kinds of heat engines. Raw petroleum (also known as crude oil) is used in three main ways: transport, generating electricity, and producing materials.

Hope the answer helps you. ツ

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