D. Answer the following in one or two words.
1) If angle of incidence is 600, What will be angle of reflection.--------------.
2) A spherical mirror whose inner hollow surface is the reflecting surface is-------------------.
3) The mirror used in periscope and kaleidoscope is -----------------------------.
4) The phenomenon of light in which light that strikes to smooth surface ant thrown back into the same medium is called.--------------------------------------
5) The center of a spherical mirror is called its--------------------------------.
6) The mirror used in a dressing table is a--------------------------------------.
7) The mirror whose outer surface is reflecting. ---------------------------------.
Answered by
2: concave mirror
3:plane mirror
4: Reflection
6:plane mirror
7: concave mirror
I hope it's helpful for you
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Prior to the discovery of oil in the Gulf, Dubai's economy was integrally linked with the sea. The importance of trading by sea is fundamental to the economy of the Emirates today, and it has been a fundamental part of the economy of the UAE for many years.Ascending order:-
6, 8, 7, 10, 12, 14, 14, 14, 14, 18, 18, 18, 20, 20, 22, 26, 26, 38
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