Social Sciences, asked by srutipulakala19699, 1 year ago

D. Answer the following questions:
1. Write a short note on the following:
(i) Temperate Zone
(ii) Torrid Zone
(iii) Frigid Zone
(iv) Cooling effect of the sea
2. Name and explain the factors that determine the climate of a place.
How does humidity affect the climate of a place?
4. Why are the mountains cooler than the plains?
5. Distinguish between weather and climate.
6. Why do you think Bengaluru is cooler than Chennai?​


Answered by jyoti6835

1:( i) Temperate Zone : The part of the earth lying between the tropic of cancer and the artic Circle in the northern hemisphere or between the tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic circle in the southern hemisphere and characterized by having a climate that is hot in the summer , cold in winter , moderate in the spring fall.

(ii) Torrid zone : The torrid zone refers to the area of the earth between the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn . Geographically the torrid zone is refered defined by 23.5 degrees north latitude and 23.5 degrees south latitude .

(iii) Frigid zone : The area or region between the Arctic Circle and the north pole or between the Antarctic circle and the south pole .

(iv) Cooling affects of the sea : The cooling affect of sea breeze on urban air temperature is significant in coastal areas . The affect gradually decrease with the distance from coast and almost diminished at about 20km

Answered by muggusaini


temperate zone lies between the torrid zone and frigid zone temperate zone is of 23 and half degree north and south here the temperature is moderate that is neither too hot nor too cold

torrid zone is the hottest zone torrid zone is of 0 degree torrid zone is near the equator

frigid zone is the coldest zone of 66 and half degree

cooling effect of the sea is due to the atm pressure

altitude latitude distance from sea

if humidity is low the atm will be more

bcoz of the rise in height of 5he mountain

bcoz Bengaluru is near sea

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