Answer the following questions.
1. Write the difference between the following.
(a) First and Second generation of computers
(b) Third and Fourth generation languages
(c) Interpreter and Compiler

1.In First Generation of computer vacuum tubes were used as internal components and in Second Generation transistors were used as internal component. ... In first generation main memory was in the form of magnetic drum and in second generation main memory was in the form RAM and ROM
A third generation language has a syntax and semantics oriented to the way of expressing algorithms in human form. An algorithm is the description of the steps to solve the problem. In a fourth generation language you specify what you want and not how to get it. What makes high level programming
Difference Between Compiler and Interpreter. A compiler is a translator which transforms source language (high-level language) into object language (machine language). In contrast with a compiler, an interpreter is a program which imitates the execution of programs written in a source language
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