Science, asked by prasantadas2571976, 9 months ago

D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. What is pollination?
2. Where do bees store the nectar?
3. Name the insect that gives us silk. What does it feed on?
4. Name the diseases that get spread by houseflies,
E. Answer the following questions.
1. How does a silk moth weave a cocoon?
2. How is honey collected from a beehive?
3. What is lac? State its four uses.
4. How do houseflies spread diseases?
5. How can we save ourselves from harmful insects?
VALUE Baged Question
Mohit studies in Class-IV. He likes street food very much. His mother alwa​


Answered by ritikasinghhar51


Process in which plant can reproduce is known as pollination


thank you ❤️


make it brilliant points

Answered by mehwishmahar789


plz mark me a brilliants


1.Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma. The goal of every living organism, including plants, is to create offspring for the next generation. One of the ways that plants can produce offspring is by making seeds. Seeds contain the genetic information to produce a new plant.

2.The nectar that bees collect from the flowers, and to a lesser quantity, honeydew, plant sap, is returned to the hive by the forager bee in its honey stomach and regurgitated to a hive worker bee. The nectar at this stage is basically very runny sugar water and has to be processed in a bees honey stomach where it is mixed with enzymes and matured. The water content is reduced by the bee bringing up small quantities from the honey stomach and fanning it on her tongue to evaporate the water. This process is repeated until the water content is down around 16%. This combination of digestion and evaporation eventually turn the nectar into honey.

3.Lac is the resinous secretion of a number of species of lac insects, of which the most commonly cultivated is Kerria lacca.

Cultivation begins when a farmer gets a stick that contains eggs ready to hatch and ties it to the tree to be infested.[1] Thousands of lac insects colonize the branches of the host trees and secrete the resinous pigment. The coated branches of the host trees are cut and harvested as sticklac.The use of lac dye goes back to ancient times. It was used in ancient India and neighbouring areas as wood finish, skin cosmetic and dye for wool and silk. In China it is a traditional dye for leather goods. Lac for dye has been somewhat replaced by the emergence of synthetic dyes, though it remains in use, and some juices, carbonated drinks, wine, jam, sauce, and candy are coloured using it.

Lac is used in folk medicine as a hepatoprotective and anti-obesity drug.[citation needed] It is used in violin and other varnish and is soluble in alcohol. This type of lac was used in the finishing of 18th-century fowling guns in the United States

4.The housefly (musca domestica) is one of the most common of all insects. It is a major health hazard, particularly in parts of the world where sanitary conditions are poor.

The housefly has a dull gray, bristled body that is about 7 mm in length. It has large reddish compound eyes. Its mouth cannot bite but consists of a spongy pad.

It has a peculiar system of feeding itself. At first it releases saliva and digestive juices over food and then sponges up the resulting solution. One can well imagine what we are eating after a fly are taken a ‘sip’ of our food.

5.Apply insect repellent. Use these readily-available sprays and lotions to guard against mosquito, flea, and tick bites. Brands that contain 20 to 30 percent DEET are most effective. DEET is toxic and can cause serious injury if you get it in your eyes or ingest it. So never apply the product to your hands or face. Ask your pediatrician before using a DEET repellent on children.

Cover up. Nothing deters a biter or stinger like a layer of clothing. When you’re outside, wear long sleeved shirts and pants, socks, and closed-toed shoes. If you’ve got long hair, pull it back and up. Insects think of hair as a ladder that’ll lead them to a banquet of exposed skin.

Drain standing water. Water is the mosquito’s lair. To avoid infestation, make sure you don’t have wheel barrows, tires, buckets, planters and the like collecting water in your yard.

Keep trash picked up and covered up. There’s nothing like the smell of something rotten to attract bees, wasps, and hornet. Make sure your trash is neatly contained in a place away from where you like to be.

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