English, asked by madhusaxena890, 9 months ago

d. Both a and b
a. Starch
b. Glucose
c. Protein
d Fat
Which of the following plants has Rhizobium in its root nodules?
a. Peas
b. Bean
c. Gram
a All
Mehar wiped the leaves of a plant with an oily doth to remove all the dust and to
give it a shiny look. After a few days the plant died. The plant died because
a. Water could not be absorbed as oil is a water repellant.
b. Sunlight cannot pass through oil.
c. Oil would have blocked the stomata and
prevented gas exchange.
d. Oil would have dissolved the chlorophyll.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Autotrophic plants are also called
2. The
guards the opening and closing of stomata.
is an example of a nitrogen-fixing bacterium.
plant has the biggest and the heaviest flower.
5. A tissue called
carries water and minerals from the root to
the leaves of plants.
C. Make suitable corrections in the following false statements and rewrite.
1. The pitcher in the pitcher plant is a modified stem.
2. Carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen.
Cuscuta absorbs nutrients from its host using special stem.
Which is the simplest form of food formed during photosynthesis?​


Answered by jiyab4326


all plants have rihzobium

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