English, asked by varendrakaur, 8 months ago

D. Change these sentences into indirect speech.
1. , I am very thirsty,' said lią.
2. "We are tired and sleepy,' the children said.
3. 'I loved the gift, thank you so much,' said Julie to Amina.
4. “My dog is extremely playful,' Shailesh said to Tanaya.
5. “Where are we meeting this evening?' Piyush said to his friend.
6. 'We got frightened by the bear at the park,' said the children.
7. 'Have you heard of a band called Disturb?' Pratik said to his friend.
8. "Abhishek should take better care of his health,' Dr Das said to his friends.
9. 'Please allow me some more time to finish writing,' Ravina said to her teacher.
10. Calculate the radius and circumference of this circle,' Ms Mondal said to
her students.​


Answered by astha343


1 . Lia said that she is very thirsty.

2. The children said that they are tired and sleepy.

3. Julie said to Amina that she loved the gift , thankyou so much

4. Shailesh said to Tanaya that his dog is extremely playfull

5 . Piyush asked to his friend that where they are going to meet this evening.

6. The children said that they got frightened by the bear at the park.

7. prateek asked to his friend that whether he has heard of a band called Disturb.

8.Dr das told to his friend that Abhishek should take better care of his health.

9.Ravina request to her teacher to allow her some more time to finish writing.

10. MS mondal commanded to their students to calculate the radius and circumference of the circle.

# Hope guys it will help you .

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