English, asked by Sinthoibi, 8 months ago

D. Do you really think that spirits exist? Have you heard from anyone about the spirits? Write
about it in 150 words in your notebook.​


Answered by MinAgus123

Spirits is said to be a myth.Do they exist,or do they not? Can they be seen,or are they invisible? It is impossible to answer these questions unless someone interviews a spirit,which we know is impossible as no one has ever seen them.

They are said to be creepy, mysterious and dangerous creatures,but they were humans once. Doesn't that mean that we are supposed to be dangerous as well? We are supposed to be creepy and mysterious as well? Well,no one will knows how a spirit looks or what are they like beacuase no one has ever met them nor will they ever meet them.

I,for one,think that spirits may or may not exist.It is impossible to tell so because neither have I met one nor have I ever come across someone who has.

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