English, asked by priyanshuprince37, 1 month ago

D Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense of the verbs given in the brackets:
1. Bees
to protect themselves from their enemy. (sting)
2. These girls
dance lessons everyday. (take)
3. My neighbour has a shepherd dog. It
after the sheep very carefully.
4 You
these answers well. (know)
5. She
excellent arguments to prove her point. (give)
6. The Rajdhani Express
Agra late in the evening. (reach)
7. Our bus driver
all the traffic rules and
the bus at a slow
speed. (follow, drive)
8. I
his address very clearly. (remember)
9. Children, you always
a noise when I am away. (make)
10. He
fast but he
clearly. (speak, speak)​


Answered by jackzzjck


1. Bees sting to protect themselves from their enemy.

2. These girls take dance lessons everyday.

3.My neighbour has a shepherd dog. It looks after the sheep very carefully.

4. You know these answers well.

5.She gives excellent arguments to prove her point.

6.The Rajdhani Express reaches Agra late in the evening.

7.Our bus driver follows all the traffic rules and drives the bus at a slow speed.

8. I remember his address very clearly.

9. Children, you always make noise when I am away.

10.He speaks fast but he speaks clearly.

Simple Present Tense

✳ This is used to denote actions that are habitual or universal truth.

Example - The sun rises in the east .( universal truth.)

                 I play football regularly( habitual action)

Form -  subject + s / es to the root of the verb.


Answered by madhurgeet16






follow drive


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