D. Give two examples of each.
1. Desirable changes
3. Natural and Irreversible changes
5. Chemical changes
7. Non-periodic changes
1...Desirable Changes: Those changes which are desired to occur that is, we want them to take place are known as desirable changes. Examples: ripening of fruits, germination of seeds etc. ... Examples: rusting of iron, souring of milk, rottening of fruits etc. Hope this helped!
2...It is an irreversible change. For example, formation of curd from milk, rusting of iron, etc.
...Melting and folding are examples of it.
...Melting and folding are examples of it.A change which cannot be undone or reversed.
...Melting and folding are examples of it.A change which cannot be undone or reversed.It is a permanent change.
...Melting and folding are examples of it.A change which cannot be undone or reversed.It is a permanent change.Burning and cooking of food are examples of it.
3... Burning, cooking, rusting, and rotting are examples of chemical changes. 2. What is called chemical change?
4...The definition of periodic is something that is recurring at regular intervals, or happens from time to time. An example of periodic is a person's birthday happening once each year. An example of periodic is a person going to their favorite restaurant every once in awhile.