Science, asked by karan6328, 5 months ago

D. Short Answer Type Questions
1. What is a heartbeat? What is the number of heartbeats per minute in a man?
2. List the functions of blood.
3. What is pulse? Why does heart make lub-dub sounds?
4. How is oxygen transported by blood in animals?
5. Why is it necessary to remove waste products from the body?
6. What is the importance of transpiration to plants?
7. What is meant by ascent of sap? How does transpiration help in the ascent of sap?​


Answered by anshbasal744542


heart beat is a number of timea our heart beat or be can call it pulse

function of blood is




Answered by Morsella

  1. A heartbeat is a two-part pumping action that takes about a second
  2. Blood has many different functions, including: transporting oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues. forming blood clots to prevent excess blood loss. carrying cells and antibodies that fight infection
  3. a rhythmical throbbing of the arteries as blood is propelled through them, typically as felt in the wrists or neck. This sound comes from the valves shutting on the blood inside the heart.
  4. Red blood cells transport oxygen around the body. They are specialised to carry oxygen because they: contain large quantities of a protein called haemoglobin , which can bind oxygen. ... are tiny and flexible so can squeeze through the narrowest of blood capillaries to deliver oxygen.
  5. Your body also needs to remove the wastes that build up from cell activity and from digestion. If these wastes are not removed, your cells can stop working, and you can get very sick. The organs of your excretory system help to release wastes from the body.
  6. The Significance of Transpiration in plants includes: Keeps the cell turgid. Cools the surface of the leaves. ... Allows the movement of minerals from the soil to different parts of the plant.
  7. Evaporation of water molecules from the cells of a leaf creates a suction which pulls water from the xylem cells of roots. Thus, transpiration helps in the absorption and upward movement of water and minerals dissolved in it from roots to the leaves.

I hope it helps you

Mark as brainliest

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