English, asked by raza06052001, 6 months ago

d) who helped the writer​


Answered by siddhi710


The writer was a poor negro boy. He worked in a coal mine. But he had a strong desire for education. One day he heard two miners were talking about a great school for coloured people. He at once made up his mind to go there. This was the only aim of his life.

To get success in his aim he has to face many difficulties. His mother was weak and sick. She was not ready to send him on a long way(Hampton). But any how he took her permission and started his journey. He had a small bag and little money given by his brother(John).

By walking and begging rides, both in wagons and in the cars, he reached Richmond city. It was a very big city. There he was tired, hungry and dirty. He was moneyless and friendless there. No one helped him as he had no money. He passed his night under a footpath. Next day he worked on a ship and took his breakfast. He did not loose his courage at any time.

After saving some money he again started his journey for Hampton. When he reached there he presented himself before the head teacher. She was not impressed with his look. As he was very dirty. She ordered him to clean a music room.

The writer cleaned the room with great love and labour. The head teacher was much impressed with his nice work. She at once allowed him for the admission.

Thus the writer got success in his aim of life. Though he has to face many difficulties on the way. He proved-‘Nothing is impossible in the world, if a man has strong will power. And poverty is no bar to success.’

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