d. write a narrative paragraph to describe a strange experience you had while taking a morning walk today?
An experience during morning walk
Today when I went out for a morning walk, I saw a handicapped person was sitted in a park with a placard in his hand. It read 'Rs.10 for a story'. On learning more, I came to know that he listens to life stories of people and gives them Rs.10. He is from a rich family and requires no money. He does it so as to help people cope up with loneliness and depression. He being handicapped knows the pain and so makes sure nobody faces it.
A strange experience
Today when I went out for morning walk, I was experienced a deadly accident in front of me. I was fully shocked and puzzled when the bike moved forward at a dangerous speed and hit against a tree violently due to heavy fog.The tree was not damaged much but when the bike hit, the bark of the tree went up. Only I can say how much pressure the bike gave on the tree to go up the thick bark. I have read many accidents in newspapers but I have never seen such like this before. In winter's morning road always stayed empty so the rider speeded up the bike but when he was crossing the road then I came in front of him so he had to save me, even he lost his balance and hit the tree. immediately the bike was shattered and the rider died on the spot. Police was informed, they came and started investigation. Everyone thought the rider was reckless but the fact is he wanted to save me and he already he did that. After that experience I was hospitalized for long time.