Computer Science, asked by manishsr453, 8 months ago

D. Write steps to do the following jobs.
1. To change the line spacing of a paragraph
2. To add blank spaces before and after the paragraphs
3. To indent a paragraph
4. To add border to a paragraph
5. To add shading to paragraphs
6. To apply styles to paragraphs
7. To sort data
8. To give Drop Cap effect to a paragraph​


Answered by simpleshitu



1 Switch over to the “Design” tab, and then click the “Paragraph Spacing” button. Now, even though that button is labeled “Paragraph Spacing,” the changes here can apply to both paragraph and line spacing for your document. As you hover your pointer over each preset, you can see the changes reflected in your document.

2.From the menu, click on Format. Go to Line Spacing > Add space after paragraph. It is as simple as that.

3.Format menu: Click Paragraph command Right-click in your document to get the pop-up command box and select the Paragraph command. ‍

Paragraph dialog box: Select the type of indent Now, you’ll see the Paragraph dialog box. Under Indentation, go to Special and select first line. ...

Click OK

4.Select the paragraph that you want to modify.

On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, choose the Borders list-box and then select Borders and Shading... .

To add borders, select the Borders tab, in the Borders and Shading dialog box:You can choose the border settings,...

Click OK .

5 Select the word or paragraph that you want to apply shading to.

On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the arrow next to Shading.

Under Theme Colors, click the color that you want to use to shade your selection.

Note: If you want to use a color that isn't a theme color, choose one under Standard Colors or click More Colors. If you switch to a different theme,...

.6 To apply a paragraph style, place your Type Tool cursor anywhere inside the paragraph then click on the Style name in the Paragraph Styles palette. There is no need to select the whole paragraphunless of course you like doing things the hard way.

7 Choose whether data has headers or not.

Under Sort by, choose the name or column number to sort by.

Under Type, choose Text, Number, or a Date.

Select Ascending or Descending order.

8 Select the first character of a paragraph

Go to INSERT > Drop Cap.

Select the drop cap option you want.

To create a drop cap that fits within your paragraph, select Dropped.

Select the drop cap option you want.

To create a drop cap that fits within your paragraph, select Dropped.



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