Business Studies, asked by krishnasing20799, 9 months ago

डिफाइन सीजनल एनालिसिस विद एग्जांपल​


Answered by qwerty8622


Define seasonal analysis with an exampleSeasonalityis a characteristic of a time series in which the data experiences regular andpredictable changes that recur every calendar year. Any predictable fluctuation or patternthat recurs or repeats over a one-year period is said to beseasonal.Seasonality is a characteristic of a time series in which the data experiencesregular and predictable changes that recur every calendar year. Any predictablefluctuation or pattern that recurs or repeats over a one-year period is said to beseasonal.Seasonal effects are different from cyclical effects, as seasonal cycles areobserved within one calendar year, while cyclical effects, such as boosted salesdue to low unemployment rates, can span time periods shorter or longer thanone calendar year.Examples of SeasonalityThere are many different instances where seasonality can be observed as itrelates to the regular transition throughout times of the year.

Answered by shriya9146


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