डिफरेंस बिटवीन हरियाणा एंड तेलंगाना फूड ऑन द वे न्यूट्रीशनल वैल्यू
lowest was 43.42 per cent in the Telangana Region. Milk and milk products as
well as fats and oils were equally important, after cereals across all regions in Andhra
Pradesh. They were sharing individually about 9 per cent of total expenditure. Fruits and
vegetables were the least important food items in terms of expenditure. Individually they
shared only about 2 per cent of the total expenditure on food. The expenditure share on
high value commodities is highest in Coastal (23.6%) followed by Telangana (19.45%)
and Telangana (18.53%). Which again shows that the food habits of population in Coastal
region are at higher hierarchy compared to both Telanagana and Rayalaseema regions.
Food Expenditure Elasticities: Expenditure elasticity measures the percentage change in
consumption of a commodity as a result of a one per cent change in expenditure. Total
consumer expenditure has been used as a proxy for income. This is because data on
consumer income are not available. Thus, income and total expenditure are used
interchangeably. Accordingly, expenditure elasticity is used to imply income elasticity of
demand. Elasticities of demand are useful for predicting consumer behaviour and
evaluating the likely effects of contemplated policy. In this study the log-inverse
functional form was used to estimate the expenditure elasticities. This is because of the
fact that the proportional response of consumption to a given proportional increase in
expenditure typically declines as expenditure rises. The function is specified as follows:
ln Q = a0 + a1 (1/X) + u
where Q is the quantity of commodity consumed per capita per month in kilogram’s (kg);
X is the per capita monthly consumption expenditure in rupees, a0 and a1 are parameters
to be estimated while u is the error term. Expenditure elasticities for each commodity
were derived as -a1/X. The resulting elasticities evaluated at the sample mean values for
X are reported in Table 6.
Table 6: Food Expenditure Elasticities
Coastal Rayalaseema Telangana All Regions
Cereals 0.154 0.196 0.217 0.189
Fats &Oils 0.521 0.578 0.500 0.528
Pulses 0.717 0.592 0.511 0.625
Sugar &Jaggery 0.702 0.775 0.588 0.673
Meat,Egg& Fish 0.656 0.538 0.868 0.696
Vegetables 0.500 0.456 0.451 0.464
Fruits 0.765 0.829 0.882 0.809
Milk &Milk Products 0.900 0.959 0.903 0.960
Low Value Commodities 0.524 0.535 0.454 0.504
Hugh Value Commodities 0.705 0.696 0.776 0.732
The food expenditure elasticity of all commodity groups is positive. This indicates that all
the commodities are normal goods, consumption of wh the highest value being 0.97
for milk and milk products in Andhra Pradesh. The expenditure elasticies for low value
commodities are much lower (0.504) than high value commodities (0.732). Even though
for high value commodities expenditure elasticity for Telangana region is higher than
Coastal region their actual consumption is lo