English, asked by ayush3112010, 9 months ago

डिफरेंट बिटवीन द ग्रेटर हिमालय एंड द मिडल हिमालय​


Answered by saritasoni24


Both are not exactly same. Let me explain in simple words. Himalayas are basically multiple mountain ranges extended parallel to each other in West to East direction. These are -

Greater himalaya; northern most mountain range with highest altitude. (>6000m)

Middle himalaya; as name says middle mountain range. Altitude around 4000-6000m

Shivaliks; southern most mountain range with altitude <4000m

Now this whole assembly of parallel mountain ranges (along with trans himalaya) is called Great Himalayas. (It implies that greater himalaya is part of great himalayas.)

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