DA. Objective type questions :
[Choose the correct alternative from the brackets.]
1. The main principle of liberalism is (individual liberty/economic equality).
2. The first proponent of liberalism is (Hobbes/Bodin/ Milton).
3. 'Areopagitica’ was written by (Locke/Milton/Bentham).
4. (Mill/Bentham/Green) was the proponent of utilitarianism.
5. The proponent of idealist liberalism was (Hegel/Green/Mill).
6. The proponent of liberalism based on individual liberty is (Green/Mill/Bentham).
7. The proponent of the principle of “Greatest good of the greatest number' was (Bentham/Ke
8. The chief proponent of neo-liberalism is (Mill/F. A. Hayak/Locke).
9. (Lenin/Berustein/Engels) is considered as the chief associate proponent of Marxism.
10. The Communist Manifesto was published in (1848/1863/1883).
11. The Communist Manifesto was written by (Lenin/Stalin/Marx and Engels).
12. Das Capital was written by (Marx/Marx and Engels).
13. Evolutionary Socialism was written by (Lenin/Berustein/Marx).
14. The proponent of scientific socialism was (Robert Quen/Marx-Engels/Berustein).
15. The Chief proponent of the theory of force was (Mill/Openheimer/Green).
16. (Plato/Berustein/Gandhi) was the proponent of democratic socialism.
17. (Karl Marx/Bentham/Laski) said, “Individual interest is the real interest.”
18. Jawaharlal Nehru/Gandhiji/Netaji) was the proponent of the concept of Sarvodaya.
• Fill in the blanks
1. Liberalism formally began through the
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the main principal of liberalism is
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