History, asked by ruchibala0813, 11 months ago

ड्यूमा पर नोट लिखिए​


Answered by jankirawat7969


ड्यूमा (Duma) रूस के ज़ार निकोलस द्वितीय द्वारा निर्मित सरकारी संस्थायें थीं। . 5 संबंधों: ड्यूमा (समाचार पत्र), त्सार, निकोलस द्वितीय, रूस, १९०५ की रूसी क्रांति।

Answered by indudhimanrangas

The first formally constitutedDuma was the state duma .It was introduce into the Russian empire in the year 1906 by the Late Tsar nicholas in his october 30 ,1905 manifasto that was intiated following the 1905 revolution

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