Hindi, asked by Atooq, 16 hours ago

Daabla, 28th may & Top student Ramu and ladaka of class aith of GHSS pabble quasurellel over giving side to overtake. The Ho partan told that Ramu didn't give side to Ladaka to oveataka He then viammed his motorcycle into Ramus bakke Ramu then hel down on the road. He then caught Ladaka by the collar and punched & him heavily Both stapted • kicking and and clefenden elefending each other. the quarrel become solent erhal they hust each other. Hequy crowd gathered there. There was a traffic the police came and jam were taken Soon to hospital I they​


Answered by ragimishra


As the world races to contain the spread of the contagious Coronavirus, the scientists across the globe are searching for a cure. In light of this, a piece of news has been doing the rounds with the claim that a student attending the Pondicherry University has found a cure for COVID-19. The message further claims that the World Health Organization (WHO) has approved this 'cure'

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