English, asked by oj2aroseloom8itasish, 1 year ago

Dairy entry for ancient marine for log book


Answered by upenderjoshi28


December 31, 2016

1701 AD

All the sailors of the ship are very disappointed today as our ship has got stranded in a lagoon in the silent sea. This place is exactly at the equator. Consequently, it is very hot here. There is no air, no wave in the water. The intense heat is unbearable. There appears to be no hope of getting out of this scrape. Just a few days back, we were so happy to have come out of the South Pole. We were expecting a pleasant homeward voyage. May be the pilot made a mistake in steering. We had never seen this place in our earlier voyages! Or is it the ghost of the albatross that has punished us by leading our ship to this place?

My fellow sailors have already started whispering against my act of killing the albatross at the Pole. They thought it was a lucky bird! But how hypocrite they are! Before thawing of the snow they thought it was the albatross that had made their ship get stuck in the ice. However, after the thaw they changed their view; they thought it was albatross that made the ice thaw and south breeze blow. When I killed the bird accidentally, they cursed and blamed me that I had done a hellish thing as it would bring the ship bad luck. However, they again changed their views when we were out of the environs of the Antarctica. They praised me for killing the bird that they thought had brought them ice and cold.

Now the ship is stranded again. I feel they will hold me responsible for their trouble. I pray to God to help the ship moving again, otherwise I will have to hear their blames, curses and anger!

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